I love freebies and deals, and once a week I scour around looking for a deal or two. I found two really great ones today that I thought I would share quickly because one will probably not last for long.
That would be a free 11 month subscription to Parenting Early Years through ValueMags.com. I am beyond the early years with my feet firmly standing in the teen years (can you imagine I actually once believed the whole terrible twos thing). Whoever coined that phrase forgot about teenagers. Anyway follow the link below.
LINK: Parenting Early Years
I work at a radio station, and one of the things I do is look up music news. While checking out new CD releases I found out that Jars of Clay is now offering a free download of "Out of My Hands" from their upcoming release of "The Shelter." You don't have to just jump on the download either. You can hear it first by clicking the link below the download link right on their website. P.S. They are a Christian group in case you didn't know.
LINK: Jars of Clay
Free CCM has a free download of several songs. They update the possibilities every week. This week they have added the song "Emmanuel" from the Catalyst Music Project performed by Heather Williams. You can also get downloads from The Choir, VOTA, Phillips, Craig & Dean, and Todd Angew. You do have to register.
LINK: Free Music at Free CCM
Get a free Full Version of Mystery Case Files Ravenhearst from Woman's Day and Big Fish Games. You can also get the sequel Return to Ravenhearst for 50% off at just $3.49.
I have no idea how long this deal lasts. Follow the link and find out. :)
LINK: Mystery Case Files Ravenhearst
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