Last week I was pretty on target with my menu. We did have a slight variation on the schedule.
1. Friday was supposed to be beef enchiladas but I forgot to buy chilis to make the enchilada sauce with so that had to go on the back burner. When I made the pot roast I made extra mashed potatoes and still had tons of gravy so we had shepherd's pie on Friday.
2. Saturday was supposed to be veggie pizza BUT when I took out the frozen hamburger for the shepherd's pie to I took out two bags. I was weighing them to see which was closest to a pound. I kept one out longer than I intended so we had patty melts. This worked out great because I was able to use the extra rye bread that was left over from the beef and gravy over rye bread. I got three beautiful vidalia onions from my fruit and veggie co-op as well as a pile of corn on the cob. So I grilled up half of one of the onions and boiled up some corn.
3. This was supposed to be a left over scavenger hunt kind of day. Since I hadn't made the enchiladas yet, I made that the dinner goal using the leftover roast beef. I also made chilaquiles as I had extra taco meat from Monday (lunch tomorrow for me and my son).
Anyway, those were the changes. Here is what is up for the week.
Veggie Pizza with sorbet and fresh strawberries and blueberries for dessert.
Enchilada leftovers with watermelon for dessert.
Roast Chicken with Lemons and a green leaf lettuce salad with cantaloupe for dessert.
Garden Rotini with grilled zucchini and chicken (utilizing some of the chicken from Tuesday). I picked up this recipe last week from Eat At Home's Menu Plan Monday link. Yogurt smoothies for dessert.
Garlic chicken lettuce wraps (a favorite way to stretch out the leftover chicken from Tuesday). Pluots for dessert.
Rotini with meat sauce and cucumber salad the recipe I picked up from Tidbits of Happy. Random fruit for dessert. Probably pluots or peaches.
I am heading to California on Sunday, because I have an appointment with my endo. I am not sure what my husband and my son will have. Typically when I am gone they survive on pizza and salad. I plan to take this opportunity to learn some yummy recipes from my sister-in-law.
So that is it for this Monday. It should be a pretty busy week. If you would like to join along or just get some great ideas head on over to I'm an Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Monday.
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