I have been giving a lot of attention to ways to save money at home and outside of the home. One of the things I have looked into is beauty treatments. Taking care of myself on the outside has been a light priority since I got married and started working a day job. Time for me became really limited. I have realized that I cant put myself on the back burner. I can make some time for me, and still care for my family. I can take time for me, take care of my appearance and not have to make a large dent in my finances.
One way to take care of my outside has been my loofah sponge. I have been a huge fan of my loofah sponge for exfoliating, and kicking up circulation. I am also looking forward to its cellulite diminishing properties. My aunt recommended loofahs to me for just that back when I was a kid. Of course back then I didn't have cellulite, but I was aware of what it was and more than happy to file that information in the back of my mind. I am happy to say that I went throughout my twenties and thirties without cellulite. I am a little whacked up now with it, but I kind of blame that on the extra poundage from being hypothyroid. Hopefully once those extra pounds slide off, I can get the cellulite to go with it.
Today I tried a new to me budget beauty treatment. I love scrubs. I have used sugar scrubs in the past and salt scrubs, and I just love how they make my skin feel. Nowadays I just don't have the money to purchase these treats so I have been looking for new ways to get those treatments without the cost. The other day I was browsing through Babushka's Beauty Secrets by Raisa Ruder and Susan Campos, I read about a coffee scrub. I have seen these in stores before, and thought that this would be a great thing to try. It is very cost effective because it is something I already have on hand. We have cut down on coffee significantly, but we still enjoy it on the weekends. By the way, I won this book from One 2 Try. Check out that blog for awesome reviews and giveaways.
The Details:
Coffee brand - Dunkin' Donuts. The book obviously wasn't specific on the brand. My husband and I are both East Coast transplants and Dunkin' Donuts is our brand of choice.
This weekend I put all out used coffee grounds and filters in an old canning jar with plans to try this as a scrub. Today I took a shower as usual but turned the water off after applying my conditioner. Using my hands I scooped up palmfuls of the used coffee and rubbed it into my body in circular motions. I also used one of the old filters to rub it in on those harder to reach spots. I kind of just hung out for a few minutes all speckled and aromatic until I was pretty sure I couldn't stand there any longer. I think the book said to leave it on for 15 minutes, but I probably left it on for 8 to 10. I'll try to hold out longer next time. I have also read that you can wrap yourself in plastic wrap after applying it, but I am not sure I am going to go that route. That seems to be the step for using the coffee grounds as a cellulite treatment, and right now I just want to take advantage of the scrub itselt.
Now the results.
My skin felt amazing! Seriously, I could not believe how soft my skin felt (I even applied it to my face). My make up seemed to go on smoother too. My skin has been extra dry (another thyroid side effect) so I was simply thrilled with the way my skin felt. I can't wait to try it again! So far this is THE best scrub I have ever tried. I can't wait to dig more deeply into this book, and see what other beauty treats I can try! If you are interested in this book, you can check it out at Amazon.com below (this is an affiliate link by the way). You can also get more details at this link which will take you to the publisher's site: Babushka's Beauty Secrets: Old World Tips for a Glamorous New You
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